Friday, 16 January 2015

DIY: Music Lyrics Photo Frame

Things you will need for this DIY are: An old picture frame (size of your choice), An image for the inside (it should be smaller than your frame), Acrylic paint and paint brushes(optional), Plain paper A3/A4/A5 (depending on the size of your frame), glue, Pencil for marking out and a pen of your choice (marker pen, fine liner). The reason this DIY includes a lot of optional things or things where you can choose yourself is because it will allow you to be more free and create a photo frame that will suite your room and be in your style! This might even be a good present for a friend or maybe even a Valentines gift where the central picture is of you and your loved one? It is very much down to you! So here we go…

First you will want to mark out (in pencil) on your plain paper where your frame overlaps so that your writing won’t be hidden and roughly mark out where your image will be. 

The next step will be optional. Now if your frame is not of your desired colour you can paint it. As mine is pink which doesn’t match my bedroom I’m going to paint it white instead. You can paint it however you like: in block colour, stripes, or patterns and with whatever colour you want. This is the second step so that your frame can be drying whilst you continue with the rest of the process. For my version I decided to add black splatters of paint around the frame simply by using watered down paint and flicking the paint brush, I did the same on the corners of the paper inside so that it had a more continuous effect.
TIP: If you have a dark coloured frame think carefully about your colours. I chose white for a pink frame but it took me quite a lot of layers of thick paint to cover the original pink, this is something you might want to consider.
FURTHER TIP: PLEASE be careful with your paint you may want to put newspaper or an old magazine down so that firstly you don’t get paint everywhere (like I managed to>.<) and secondly to prevent your frame sticking to your desk/ surface whilst drying (like mine did >.<).

On your plain paper that has been marked out you should start to write in, with the pen of your choice, lyrics from your favourite song(s). Obviously here it is completely optional which lyrics you choose and how you write them out.This step is optional but it is easier if you can glue your image to the paper as it will prevent it from sliding around in your frame however if you don’t have glue to hand, don’t worry just line it up as well as you can. On the other hand if you happen to have some blue tack take a small amount place it on the back of your image. Place all the pieces of your frame together and you’re done!

Your picture is now ready to be hung on the wall or wrapped as a gift! Here is my finished result. 

Let me know what you think and if you give this a go I’d love to see yours! You can tweet me @Bishhyyy , comment down below or tag me on Instagram @jazbishy . I hope this was helpful.
Jaz Bishop xxx

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

A New Year

So this is a week late from 'New Year' as such but you get the idea. A New Year brings opportunities to start new things. Creating a blog has been a plan of mine for a while now but I was never really sure what kind of blog I wanted to create. When I first thought of the idea most of the blogs I'd seen were beauty blogs. Now don't get me wrong I like makeup and I love reading beauty  blogs but beauty itself isn't really a passion of mine so I felt creating a beauty blog would be wrong of me to dedicate myself to something that wasn't really... well, me. So when I thought about it for a longer time I decided on 'Music, Fashion & Art'. Please bear with me whilst I figure out how to use this and create a professional look with headers etc. (everybody has to start somewhere!) I'm still making decisions and I'm kind of in the 'design process' ...
   New things is what persuaded me to title this blogpost 'A New Year' because my aim for this year is to run this blog about the things I enjoy and share them with others. I'm off to a slightly slow start but once I've become more decisive(another resolution of mine) hopefully things will move a bit quicker.
   A couple of years ago I created a jar and put notes in everytime I achieved something or did something fun. When I looked back on them on New Years Eve it was a really nice experience to look at all the good things that had happened so this year I decided to do it again. (Sorry to say there is currently only one lonely little note, but it should fill up as the year goes on) 
'Start 2015 off with a jar and fill it with good things that happen. On New Years Eve read each note and relive the memories'

I'll probably do this post again once I've sorted this blog out and make it more presentable and not as rushed, Happy (late) New Year!
Jaz Bishop xxx