Saturday, 8 August 2015

An Update...

I have to admit that the Think Like A Blogger Challenge hasn't quite worked out. It was quite a lot for me to take on during such a busy week. The first few days were fine because I had plenty of spare time and inspiration. However, as the week went on I just didn't have the time to be writing a blog post and taking/editing the pictures every single day. One thing I have learnt from my short time of daily blogging is that you really can blog about anything! As I am just starting out maybe the challenge wasn't the best idea for me and my blog but I gave it a try and that's all that matters. The timing just wasn't right. So recently I have been very busy as I took a trip to London! It was a really exciting experience and I can't wait to share it with you in my next post, coming up very soon.
The Think Like A Blogger Challenge has really helped and inspired me to take this more seriously, however as a rule, I'd say daily blogging isn't right for me just yet. My new schedule will include a blog post every Saturday and maybe a few surprises in the middle of the week if I'm feeling really inspired!

I have some ideas written down for blog posts that will be coming very soon, remember to look out for my London blog post in the next couple of weeks.

Check out my Instagram to see what I've been up to lately!

Hope you have an awesome day!
Don't be a stranger  Twitter // Instagram // Bloglovin'



  1. Hi there! I will happily follow you, have a great day too! :) x

  2. I've tried daily blogging too and it's just so difficult and takes the fun out of it. I'm glad I'm not the only one. You have such a lovely blog! X
