Things you will need for this DIY are: An old picture frame (size
of your choice), An image for the inside (it should be smaller than your frame),
Acrylic paint and paint brushes(optional), Plain paper A3/A4/A5 (depending on
the size of your frame), glue, Pencil for marking out and a pen of your choice
(marker pen, fine liner). The reason this DIY includes a lot of optional things
or things where you can choose yourself is because it will allow you to be more
free and create a photo frame that will suite your room and be in your style!
This might even be a good present for a friend or maybe even a Valentines gift
where the central picture is of you and your loved one? It is very much down to
you! So here we go…
First you will want to mark out (in pencil) on your plain
paper where your frame overlaps so that your writing won’t be hidden and
roughly mark out where your image will be.
TIP: If you have a dark coloured frame think carefully about your colours. I chose white for a pink frame but it took me quite a lot of layers of thick paint to cover the original pink, this is something you might want to consider.
FURTHER TIP: PLEASE be careful with your paint you may want
to put newspaper or an old magazine down so that firstly you don’t get paint
everywhere (like I managed to>.<) and secondly to prevent your frame sticking
to your desk/ surface whilst drying (like mine did >.<).
On your plain paper that has been marked out you should start to write in, with the pen of your choice, lyrics from your favourite song(s). Obviously here it is completely optional which lyrics you choose and how you write them out.This step is optional but it is easier if you can glue your image to the paper as it will prevent it from sliding around in your frame however if you don’t have glue to hand, don’t worry just line it up as well as you can. On the other hand if you happen to have some blue tack take a small amount place it on the back of your image. Place all the pieces of your frame together and you’re done!
Let me know what you think and if you give this a go I’d love to see yours! You can tweet me @Bishhyyy , comment down below or tag me on Instagram @jazbishy . I hope this was helpful.
Jaz Bishop xxx