Tuesday 28 July 2015

Think Like A Blogger Challenge // Fresh Air

Is it just me or do you find spending all day inside totally rubbish? For the past two days that's all I've done. Not going outside actually makes me feel physically sick. I think living where I do, it's quite an outdoorsy sort of place, so not leaving the house is kind of a shock to the system for me.
As part of the Think Like a Blogger Challenge, today's post is about good old fresh air. My go to place when I need to get out the house is the beach. There's something so peaceful and calm about it and it's good 25 minute walk for me. When I'm feeling like this, I find anything helps - just walking and listening to my headphones gives me that automatic happy feeling. There's something you can't really describe about a good walk. (Does anyone else sometimes get so lost in their music and it feels like you're in a movie scene or something as you walk down the street:')?)
For today's post enjoy the calm aura of the beach with me and check out some of my recent favourite songs. It's kind of like a go-to walking playlist. 

Against The Current - Ain't It Fun // (Cover of Paramore)

The 1975 - Chocolate

Kings Of Leon - Radioactive

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

In case you're wondering... Yes it is summer, but British summer time likes to disappoint and it's very risky to leave the house without my trusty leather jacket nowadays! A good old sea breeze to blow the cobwebs off, that's what I keep telling myself!

What songs have you been loving recently? Where's your 'calm' place? Comment down below!
Don't be a stranger   Twitter // Instagram // Bloglovin'
Have an awesome day!



  1. Great post :) I definitely agree about needing to get out into the fresh air. I think I might do this this weekend :)

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

    1. Thank you! Fresh air is definitely much needed sometimes!
      Hope you have a great weekend!
      Jaz Bishop x
